What a great idea for a holiday! Well, I guess it isn’t technically a holiday, but a great reason to pay more attention to your erotic energy and stir it up a bit more. I’ve always been a huge fan of self pleasure, whether you’re alone or with a partner. Showing your lover how you like to be stimulated is a great lesson and one that should never be overlooked. Now I know that most ladies feel that men are easy to handle when it comes to penises. While it is true that for the most part, women are harder to bring to orgasm (just a generalization everyone!), we can still learn about the subtle things men like when it comes to tickling his pickle.
Not all penises are created equal! Some men enjoy a firmer squeeze while others enjoy a light, feathery touch. Some like quick and fast paced motion and others respond well to a slow and steady beat. The key is to learn how to read your lover’s signals. Listen to the sounds they make, if they move towards or away from your touch, and pay attention to their breathing. Yes what women like can change daily and even right in the middle of a lovemaking session – but men too have desires that change. (Just last night my sweetie did something to me that usually makes me moan and instead I started giggling wildly – I don’t even know why myself, but we had a good chuckle.) Guys don’t always want their sex handed to them the same way so listen, learn and be flexible.
I’m challenging everone to a masturbation ‘competition’ this month. It started on my Facebook page and the rules are still developing but the gist of it is a) you are on your honour b) keep track of how many times you masturbate each week and c) the winner at the end of May will get a prize from me π You can either email me your count at the end of the week, or post it below as a comment or go to my Facebook post. Go to the post dated May 3, 2011 and make a comment so you stay in the loop. But please also comment below and keep coming back. Let’s have fun with this and please PASS IT ON!
Oh if only they would teach masturbation in high school. It is absolutely the safest sex you can have (abstaining is NOT having sex at all so that doesn’t count) and it helps you learn about your sexual self and helps you stay in tune with your body – which frankly, more women need to do! Out of your heads, ladies and get those fingers or vibrators in gear π You can always order a new toy from my online shop at www.lionessforlovers.com./shop or try a new nethod like the bathtub faucet, shower head, water pick…any other ideas ladies?
Post below with any questions!
Ladies, remember that I offer a fabulous workshop based on Sadie Alison’s book ‘Tickle his Pickle’ and I’ve added “and love doing it!” so you get to really enjoy it. Your mouth will be tired at the end of our two hour class, but it will be from laughing so hard…mostly π Email me for details or check out this link.