Ben Wa Balls Improve Pelvic Floor Health

Part 1 of this post 

Part 2:

The balls are quite heavy and designed to be difficult to keep inside you. When you’re first practicing, always wear your panties! You don’t need to test your new wood floors or your ceramic tile to see how resistant to dents and cracks they are! You also don’t want kitty to decide they’re more fun than chasing a mouse as they tumble down the stairs-plonk-plonk-plonk.

Please let me assure you, they won’t get lost! Once they’re snuggled away inside you, there’s nowhere for them to go except into your cervix, and unless there’s something quite unusual about you, that’s just too darned tiny of an opening. If you find yourself tensing up because you can’t find them, (which is probably why you can’t find them-because you’ve tensed up) they’ve probably just tucked themselves into one of the nooks and crannies you were born with and they’re in for the night. You can pop in a DVD or listen to a CD of relaxing music as you lay back on the couch. As soon as the credits roll or the last song is played, stand up and do a quick panty check. You’ll probably find your two golden friends there waiting for a bath.

Specifically, build up to the point where you can run up and down a set of stairs 3 or 4 times without your Ben Wa Balls slipping out. Some of you may say that the stairs alone would be an achievement and you’re right. You get into shape as a bonus!

If you’ve had natural childbirth, you may not be able to keep them in. Start by laying down flat, inserting them and simply noticing how they feel as you tighten your PC muscle. Squeeze for 4 seconds and relax for 4 seconds. Work up to doing that 10 times and call that one set. Build up to doing 3 sets a day of 10 seconds squeezing and relaxing. Always match the squeeze time with the relax time. This may take 6 or 8 weeks, but done daily, you WILL notice a difference. Do it in stages graduating from laying down to standing on your knees to walking across the room to doing your housework and maybe all the way up to jogging with them in.

Isn’t it time to get control of your body?

If you want to find out more about how to protect your pelvic floor health, go to


Kim Switnicki, ACC
Sex Educator & Intimacy Coach for Women
Rediscover your passion for sex and have a juicy marriage that lasts!


Author of “Great Sex for Hard Times” and “G-Spot PlayGuide: 7 Simple Steps to G-Spot Heaven!

Free Report here on the Top 10 Ways to be a Sexier, more Confident Woman

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