Ben Wa Balls Are A Tool To Keep You Fit

What the heck are Ben Wa Balls and what are they for, anyway?

They’re ¾” gold-plated metal spheres inserted vaginally to improve muscle tone. What do they do? Common question! Some women admit to getting talked into buying them by their girlfriends after a late night jaunt to the local “naughty” store after one too many Pina Coladas. They take them home only to find, egad, no instructions! Those little golden orbs (not to be confused with Chinese meditation balls) then end up either as “show and tell” in little Johnny’s class after he finds them in the garbage can or they’re discovered by your grandchildren in your jewellery box after you’ve passed on. Not pretty.

Let’s dispel a myth. They don’t do much all by themselves. If you insert them and wait with bated breath for magical, mystical sensations to start the creation of heaven in your loins, you’ll be disappointed. They don’t vibrate or move on their own so don’t even go there. They aren’t a get-rich-quick plan. They’re more like a slow and steady wins the race idea.

Let’s cover the basics starting with who should use them. Women who’ve been diagnosed with stress incontinence who want to try a non invasive option to surgery, women who are experiencing periodic bladder leakage during a coughing fit or sneezing or laughing a lot, pregnant women who want to strengthen pelvic muscles in preparation for childbirth, women who want to regain the vaginal canal strengths they had before childbirth or women who want to improve their orgasm can all benefit. In my opinion, that last one means every woman should give it a go!

Now for some precise instructions. Basically, you insert them into your vagina and squeeze your PC (pubococcygeal) muscle to keep the balls in. The PC stretches from your tailbone to your pubic bone and simply stated, it keeps your pelvic organs (bladder, uterus, vagina and rectum) from slipping out at the most inappropriate time! While this is the muscle used to stop urine flow, you shouldn’t do that regularly since that messes with the sophisticated system that is urination. A toned PC muscle can prevent extraordinary embarrassment.

For more info, see part 2 of this post:


Kim Switnicki, ACC
Sex Educator & Intimacy Coach for Women
Rediscover your passion for sex and have a juicy marriage that lasts!


Author of “Great Sex for Hard Times” and “G-Spot PlayGuide: 7 Simple Steps to G-Spot Heaven!

Free Report here on the Top 10 Ways to be a Sexier, more Confident Woman

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