Pole Dancing is Empowering

I saw a post on a social networking site that spoke negatively about Pole Dancing classes and how it feeds the exploitation of women. I felt compelled to comment so am also posting my reply here!

This topic is near and dear to me since I’m a sex and intimacy coach and my mission is to help women connect with their sensuality and achive their sexual potential – whatever that means for them. (AND I’m off to my pole dance class tonight!)

The owner of the studio where I take my classes has created a dance studio for women only with the express purpose of helping them to feel empowered. I offer workshops at the studio as it fits in with my passion of sexually empowering women.

It has been my experience, both personally and with clients, that connecting to your inner sensual self is IMPERATIVE if you want to be as successful in life AND in business as you possibly can. Our sexual energy is our life force or chi energy and keeps us vital and healthy and strong. It has even been proven that regular sexual activity with quality orgasms will help you live longer!

Confidence in one’s inner femaleness and feeling and being grounded in who we are as women is one of the most powerful things we can do to fully align with our purpose. We are female before we are mothers, daughters, co-workers, wives, teachers, etc. Fully connecting to our feminine power using such rituals as dance (being recorded far back in history) is tremendously affirming and empowering for many women who have been afraid or uncomfortable in their own skin.

Once we are truly comfortable with who we are as women, then we can stand tall, be more confident and grounded and we will emit a positive energy that men, women and children will be drawn to. We can watch as the law of attraction brings forth everything we need to then create the life we truly want and deserve to have.

I believe that pole dancing absolutely helps empower women. It’s purpose is not to connect with their inner slut (as had been suggested), though for some that may be exactly what they want or need, but to connect with their feminine power to be strong and vital like Mother earth, Mother Nature, Goddesses, etc. You can be the force that gives birth to your perfect life.

It will surely take a bit more than a few hours on the pole, but isn’t self and sexual empowerment an on-going journey with each step moving us forward to what we desire? For some women, this is a HUGE step and it can be tranforming for them and a shift can happen that PROPELS them forward. It can be truly amazing to be a witness to.

Again, these are my opinions and my intention is not to offend but merely to point out that it can be very empowering to connect with our sensual side indeed.

Let me know what you think!


Kim Switnicki, ACC
Sex Educator & Intimacy Coach for Women
Rediscover your passion for sex and have a juicy marriage that lasts!


Author of “Great Sex for Hard Times” and “G-Spot PlayGuide: 7 Simple Steps to G-Spot Heaven!

Free Report here on the Top 10 Ways to be a Sexier, more Confident Woman

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