Orgasms for Ladies at Taboo Sex Show

  This is part one of tips for Ladies and Gents that you can hear more about at the Taboo Sex Show in Edmonton Oct 14-17, Calgary Nov 11-14 and Vancouver in January 2011. Come to see me at one of my free seminars and say hi! Here’s sneak preview:


An important thing for frustrated women to realize is that no-one else can ever give you pleasure or an orgasm – it’s all you. You must allow the orgasm to happen. It’s true! We ladies tend to give our power away and give all the credit to our ‘amazing lovers’ when sex is wonderful when in fact it was us who allowed the magic to happen. When things are bad, we tend to blame our ‘lousy lovers’. It’s time we truly looked at and accepted our part in what is or is not happening in the bedroom. Are we really 100% wanting to be there? Do we really care about this lover and want to be sexual? Do we have feelings of anger or resentment about other issues that may be creeping in to the bedroom? Are we present and in our bodies or preoccupied with ‘thoughts’ of other things? You are the key to your sexual happiness and if you are having trouble getting there, don’t immediately jump to blaming your partner.  Don’t blame yourself either! I’m not trying to make you feel bad, but rather to help you become more authentic in your sexual experiences. We simply aren’t taught that female sexual pleasure is our right and is healthy and fabulous. But I can help you with that so you really embrace your feminine sexual power. Please take an honest look at what is happening for you in your life right now, and see if there is something that you can do or change yourself to help make your sexual experiences better. If you want more help with this, I’m happy to help you with either one on one coaching or check out my Unlock Your Sexual Code program by attending the free preview call I’m doing October 28. It’s time you had passionate, loving, powerful and authentic sexual experiences – your relationship stands a much better chance of lasting forever!


Kim Switnicki, ACC
Sex Educator & Intimacy Coach for Women
Rediscover your passion for sex and have a juicy marriage that lasts!


Author of “Great Sex for Hard Times” and “G-Spot PlayGuide: 7 Simple Steps to G-Spot Heaven!

Free Report here on the Top 10 Ways to be a Sexier, more Confident Woman

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