Add sizzle to your love life

How can you add sizzling romance back into your life?

I once read an article about how kind words spoken to another can help you change how you feel about life in a positive way! That got me thinking and not only did I realize that this is fabulous, I’ve added my own twist to help make it really add sizzle to your relationship.

I challenge you to try this for one week. Each day say something extra sweet, special and loving to your partner. Do it in a unique way each day. To make it easy for you, here’s a day-by-day recipe for the whole week!

1. On Monday slip a secret love note into your honey’s briefcase or lunch bag. Even a napkin with “I think you’re totally hot!” is sure to bring a smile.

2. On Tuesday leave a seductive lipstick message (“I want you” or “Can’t wait until you come home”) on the bathroom mirror before you go to bed so your beloved sees it in the morning.

3. On Wednesday send a romantic email or a series of increasingly revealing text messages. Keep them rated PG (no naughty pix) so they don’t come back to haunt you.

4. On Thursday record a saucy little webcam message to send to your darling at work but ONLY if that is an appropriate environment. If you aren’t sure, keep the message simple but loving. It’s the gesture that counts. If they have a laptop, send a message to let them know that they should be somewhere private before they open your video message. You don’t want to be the hottest thing at Starbucks!

If you don’t have a webcam on your computer, tablet or phone, create an MP3 using a computer microphone or a digital recorder. If you’re getting frustrated with me and confused about the technology at this point, don’t despair, you can still use the old standby: the tape cassette recorder 🙂

Record a sexy message and put it in your honey’s car with a post-it on the dashboard with directions to play what’s in the tape deck (or iPod, etc.) when a quiet moment presents itself. You don’t want them listening to you reveal all the romantic things you want to do to them later that evening while they have Jane, Suzie and the rest of the soccer team in the backseat!

5. On Friday, get your sweetie to participate in your little game (if he or she hasn’t already) by waltzing up behind them and whispering a slinky question in their ear. Try something like: “what part of my body would you like to plant your lips on at this moment?” If you’re shy, try asking: “what was your favourite thing to do when we first got together?”

Are you getting the picture yet?

6. On Saturday, slip out to either a pay phone or the corner store and use your cell phone and call home. Test out your newly developed abilities to say sexy, sweet nothings to your darling. Experiment with how daring you get. Risk a little!

7. On Sunday, plan a romantic candlelight dinner and turn it into an extended love fest where you go on and on about various body parts and characteristics that you love about your lover! Write these out and place notes in the napkin or under their plate so they appear during and after your scrumptious dinner. Tuck another under the wine glass or tie a note with ribbon to one of the dessert utensils. Have fun with this.

Wow – what a week of sizzling romance you’ll have. See if you can create a whole month of these – or simply see how long you can keep it up – so to speak 😉




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