Stop Having Sex You Don’t Want to Have!
A 90-Minute Teleclass You Don’t Want To Miss
Married women in long-standing relationships
who want to stay married:
No matter what ANYONE tells you –
You should not for one tiny moment ever feel that you
HAVE TO have sex with your husband. Not ever!
- Have you felt that sex is your “wifely duty”—and as a result, you hold secret (or not so secret) resentment about “having to please your man”?
- For the same reason, do you feel guilty if you “deny” him?
- Does your husband want more sex—and says so–until you’re both ready to burst from the pressure?
- Is the emotional intimacy, laughter and delight you once knew with your husband waning because you just don’t want sex and he does?
- Do you want to rediscover your passion for sex?
Alarming statistics: 50% of women find sex depressing, a hassle, or embarrassing. 50% of women say they don’t care much about sex. 1/3 of women are simply too tired. While studies show that over 1/2 of women want to feel more desire and over 3/4 acknowledge that sex is important in a marriage, I see the statistics of dissatisfaction in the bedroom growing scarier each year! It is time for all of this to END! First, let me assure you there is absolutely nothing wrong with you if you don’t want sex as much as your partner does. There is also nothing wrong with you if you have been having sex with your husband when you really didn’t want to – we’ve all done it! However… Wouldn’t it be fantastic if you could never have sex against your wishes ever again? Wouldn’t it be amazing if you only had sex when or even if you wanted to – forever? Wouldn’t it be magnificent if you felt in control of your sex life? Wouldn’t it be incredible if you never felt bad about sex ever again? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you started to enjoy sex again?
This is not a pipe dream! You can have all of this.
I invite you to join me for:
“Stop Having Sex You Don’t Want to Have!”
Free Tele-Class Especially for Married Women
next call will be announced soon
Please sign up so you’re first to hear the next scheduled date. Don’t worry if you can’t make the call, sign up and you will receive access to the recording.
This Call Will Reveal…
- All the reasons you continue to have sex when you don’t really want to.
- The impact this guilt-induced-sex has on you (you may be surprised at all the areas affected!).
- The most important first-step to end your stress around sex once and for all!
- What steps to take to stop the pressure so you only have sex when you want to.
It is NOT Healthy to Have Sex When You Don’t Want To!
Your first step to feeling better about your sex life is to stop engaging in the dangerous behaviour of having sex when you aren’t into it. Part of you knows this is bad for you – bad for your body and ultimately bad for your marriage. Sex against your will builds resentment and anger. You likely have feelings towards him that bhe doesn’t even know about. In fact, YOU may not even realize that you have these feelings bubbling just under the surface. And they’re coming out sideways!
All of this is completely natural, AND you DON’T have to do it anymore!
This tele-class (i.e. conference call) is for you if:
- You secretly hope he’s sound asleep when you creep into bed at night.
- You take a little longer getting undressed until you’re sure he is asleep.
- If that doesn’t work, you lie on your back, creating to-do lists until he’s “done.”
- You feel annoyed with him for the slightest reasons.
- Now that the kids are older or gone, you’re diving into new projects to keep you “too busy” for sex.
- You’re letting your appearance go.
- You haven’t had sex for months now…
- Sometimes you do want sex—but not the way you’re having it!!! You want it to be on YOUR terms.
The fact is, you know deep down that your sex life (or lack thereof) is not doing either of you any good—but you just don’t know how to change things without compromising yourself.
I Tailor-Made This Call Just for YOU! You Will Learn:
- Why you seem to naturally fall into this place of having sex when you don’t want to
- The 3 ways having bad sex impacts your life
- The very first step you MUST take to gain control of your sex life – and we’ll do it right on the tele-class!
- The very next steps to take so you stay in control and never have sex again unless you want to!
- And much more….
So why am I the one to help you?
I help save marriages by working exclusively with women because they set the tone for true intimacy and passion in the bedroom.
As a Sex Educator for women, a Professional Coach certified by the International Coach Federation, and founder of an adult sex toy company in 1998, I’ve helped thousands of women gain sexual empowerment. I’ve written two books (G-Spot PlayGuide and Great Sex for Hard Times), produced a DVD program helping women rid themselves of incontinence and regularly appear in newspapers, magazines, radio and television.
I teach sexual empowerment to women, when I could do anything else, because I am here to eliminate the legacy of insecurity and shame women have carried for centuries enabling them to finally express their sexuality honestly and the only way to do that is for them to discover their unique truths about sex, create their own rules, then fully embrace them before confidently sharing–a process I teach in my “Sexual Code” programs.
Can’t make the tele-class? Sign up anyway and you can simply email me to receive access to the recording.
Enter your first name and valid email above to receive the details for ‘Stop Having Sex You Don’t Want to Have’. You can rest assured that all information is kept 100% confidential.
I will be delivering powerful, controversial content you won’t forget or hear anywhere else! Be sure to sign up now.
I believe we are here to create a world of love, acceptance and peace with one another—and we can only achieve that when we authentically love, accept and find peace within ourselves, listening honestly to our own hearts and living according to our own ideals and truths.
Let’s get started on YOUR own ideals and truths around sexuality.
Be authentic and live a life of passion in whatever you do,
Kim Switnicki
PS. If you’ve been on my previous Sexual Truth calls, you know how valuable my free calls are. Be sure to pass this page along to any girlfriends who are having sex they don’t want to have. They don’t want to miss this!
P.P.S. If you are not already a subscriber to my regular emails, you will receive a complimentary subscription so you stay in the loop and receive strategies and insights to help you get more from your intimate relationships. I know you’ll love it once you see it…but you can unsubscribe at any time should you no longer wish to receive it!