Here are answers to some of the more common questions we are asked. They are sorted by category. PLEASE email us if you have a question you feel would be useful to have answered here – it will be updated for you regularly!
What is Fellatio?
This term comes from the latin word, “fellore” which means: to suck. It is the official term used for the act of performing oral sex on a man, more commonly known as a blow job or a hummer.
What is Cunnilingus?
This term is from two Latin words. One is “cunnus” which means vulva and “lingere” which means to lick. This is the official term for performing oral sex on a woman, more commonly known as eating her out or going down.
What does “69” refer to?
This is the position two people get into when performing oral sex on each other at the same time. It can be two people of the same sex or the opposite sex. They are usually laying down (the adventurous are standing!) and may be both on their sides with each others’ head at each others’ genitals or they may have one of them laying on their back while the other is face down above them but still able to nibble, lick, suck, kiss and generally indulge in orally pleasing their partner.