Help, My Vibrator Makes Me Giggle


I am 51 years old and never used a vibrator before.  My boyfriend suggested one so I thought sure why not.  We also bought some KY intense and used it with the vibrator. My question is that though it feels amazing I laugh or rather giggle.  Is this normal, natural? Please answer.  This isn’t something I can ask just anyone!



Thanks so much for your inquiry. Good for you for taking a chance and trying something new! The first part of my answer is yes, it absolutely is normal. When we try something new, there are lots of emotions around it. Especially since you may have been a bit nervous or curious or cautious or any of another dozen or so emotions, none of which is overly arousing 🙂 Not that you weren’t turned on as well, but the arousal part may not have been the strongest emotion that you felt at the time. Some women also find vibrators tickle them or they don’t even like the sensation. It really varies woman to woman and mood to mood. Sometimes it may drive you wild with delight and others you just may not be in the mood for it.

If this is something you want to continue using during lovemaking, I recommend you try using it by yourself some time to get more used to the feeling and see if it is something you can or even want to let turn you on more. It really is a personal choice where you go from here. If I can be of further help, as a Coach I can offer suggestions for using it or to help you through any concerns you have with the vibrator or even to help you explain to your man that you don’t want to use it anymore.  

In the meantime, here is some more information on how to get used to a vibrator:    

 Above all else, enjoy yourself!

PS: I’m not a fan of the KY combo massage and lubricant products. You should NEVER have massage oils inside the vagina since it messes with your natural Ph level and it can create a breeding ground for bacteria leading to infections. A natural, water soluble lubricant is best! This one is my favourites


Kim Switnicki, ACC
Sex Educator & Intimacy Coach for Women
Rediscover your passion for sex and have a juicy marriage that lasts!


Author of “Great Sex for Hard Times” and “G-Spot PlayGuide: 7 Simple Steps to G-Spot Heaven!

Free Report here on the Top 10 Ways to be a Sexier, more Confident Woman

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