The Sexual Truth About Pornography

A woman recently asked me if it was normal for men to want to watch pornography. She has been married for some time and accidently hit a button on her computer and a naked woman popped up. She was aghast, hurt, appalled and quite disgusted. Her words. She was concerned and didn’t know if she should mention it to her husband. She was very concerned and confused.

This is a common scenario in these days of technology where being on a computer is as regualr to us as eating or sleeping. However, hiding something from your spouse is usually not a good thing for a solid marriage.

If this happens to you, here is my advice.

First of all, take some time to let the hurt and disgust abate and subside somewhat. You don’t know the situation. It may have been someone else in the house, or it could have been that the image was installed on the computer quite by accident and your partner may not even know about it. It could be that he happened upon it and went “okay that’s interesting”. Remember that pornographic websites are very, very sneaky and they try to get themselves put in front of you in any way, even if you’re looking for kids’ toys or a popular name like Justin Bieber. There are websites that will use that information to try to push pornography on you. So your husband may not be ‘guilty’ as charged. It may not be an issue at all and you never want to assume that he has a pornography addiction or that this is something terrible that he’s trying to hide from you.

That being said, there certainly are situations where men are very much into pornography. They enjoy reading, watching or even listening to pornography. In some cases, that’s the only way that they can achieve sexual satisfaction – they need to have pornography in order to achieve arousal and orgasm. This is two opposite ends of an extreme. This is not my specialty, but I would suspect that a lot of men are somewhere within this range.

Yes – it is normal. Personally, I do think that it’s healthy in some way, as long as you’re not hiding it, as long as it’s not the only criteria or a must-have in order for you to achieve pleasure, and if it’s not coming between you or causing discomfort or disturbance in your relationship. If you both like it, and it works for both of you, or you both need it to get off, and you’re okay with that – that’s okay – that’s part of what I call living your ‘Sexual Truth’. If it’s absolutely, 100% truthfully okay, and you’re not just saying that it is and going along with it to make your husband or wife happy, then it’s okay to be doing that.

However, if one of you doesn’t like it, if it’s being hidden, if it causes problems, if it’s coming between you, or if it’s causing trouble in the relationship, then yes it’s a source for concern, and it is something that can and should be addressed. Coaching can absolutely help either one or both of you, depending on the situation. I’m happy to answer emails or have a consultation with you to see if this is an issue that needs to be looked at in your relationship. Perhaps it is something that you want to look at, not necessarily to get rid of the habit, but to be okay with the role it plays in your relationship. Let’s put it into perspective.


Kim Switnicki, ACC
Sex Educator & Intimacy Coach for Women
Rediscover your passion for sex and have a juicy marriage that lasts!


Author of “Great Sex for Hard Times” and “G-Spot PlayGuide: 7 Simple Steps to G-Spot Heaven!

Free Report here on the Top 10 Ways to be a Sexier, more Confident Woman

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